Miami Home Buyer Services - Miami Luxury Homes-365官方app

The Light Group at Douglas Elliman Real Estate 这里是为了指导您完成寻找和购买房屋的过程吗, 让你熟悉不同类型的住房和金融选择,并帮助你了解整个过程. 无论您是想购买迈阿密的住宅还是迈阿密的公寓作为主要住所, investment or a vacation home, our team will provide you with service that is second-to-none. In order for us to best serve you, we will have to consult with you at length, either by phone, email or in person, 了解你的各种需求和你想要的生活方式. 这里有一些你在寻找你的迈阿密豪宅时必须考虑的重要问题:

  • Condo or Single-Family Home?
  • Investment or Residence?
  • Price range?
  • Specific area or location?
  • How many Beds? Baths?
  • Minimum size? How many square feet?
  • Are you financing or paying cash? You will NOT be able to obtain financing for some Miami condos.

The Light Group Provides Complimentary Buyer Services

The seller ALWAYS pays commissions; therefore, 您对光明集团成员的365app知识和专业知识的运用, as your buyer’s agent, will cost you nothing. As your trusted adviser, 365app将全程保护您的利益,并为您提供帮助:

  • Find the right home or condo
  • Determine its value
  • Negotiate the best price possible
  • 选择最适合您需求的产权代理和/或律师
  • Manage property inspections
  • Assist you in selecting the right financing (if applicable)
  • Resolve any contingencies

Searching For Your Home

365app手机版下载公司几乎可以接触到美国所有地区出售或租赁的所有房产 Miami communities we service, including the following:

  • All homes marketed by Douglas Elliman agents
  • 所有迈阿密365app经纪人使用多重上市服务(MLS)列出的房产
  • 许多房产正在私下销售,被称为“口袋房源”。
  • Most properties offered as ‘For Sale by Owner’

The Light Group Found You That Perfect Luxury Home…Now What?

Make an Offer

  • 帮助你选择一个最适合你讨价还价的价格
  • Prepare the purchase contract with your terms and conditions
  • 协助选择最适合您需求的产权代理人和/或律师
  • 向卖方提交报价并协商任何还价(如适用)

Executed Contract to Closing

  • Prepare and distribute a contingency dates deadline chart
  • Schedule and attend all property inspections
  • Review property inspection report with you
  • Coordinate your appraisal (if applicable)
  • 安排和参加你的最后一次演练在收盘之日
  • Schedule closing to accommodate both you and the seller

After Closing:

一旦交易完成,光明集团不会忘记你的. 365app视所有客户为终身客户,并视您为终身客户.
您是否购买了一套装修就绪的公寓,并需要协调承包商服务, 你住在城外,需要搬家公司的帮助
购买了一处投资性房产,需要365app为您找一个合适的租户, we will be here to help you every step of the way!

Home Buying Tips

  • 迈阿密和迈阿密海滩是两个不同的城市,位于两个不同的位置. 迈阿密没有海滩,也没有所谓的“南海滩”.迈阿密位于佛罗里达州的大陆上,迈阿密海滩是迈阿密以东2英里的一个岛屿. South Beach, 而不是一个勒布朗“将把他的天赋带到的地方”,只是迈阿密海滩第5街和第23街之间的一个区域的昵称.
  • 记住,买方不支付佣金,卖方支付佣金.
  • You should NEVER work with more than one agent. All agents have access to the same database, the MLS. 你应该找一个你觉得舒服的,有经验的代理,在整个过程中成为你值得信赖的倡导者.
  • When you buy a condo from a developer, whether you walk into the showroom yourself or with an agent, YOU ARE GOING TO PAY THE SAME AMOUNT! 仅仅因为你没有代理并不意味着开发商会因为节省佣金而给你折扣. 开发商办公室的销售代理把开发商的利益放在第一位. 你应该有一个代理人代表你来保护你的利益.
  • 选择一个对迈阿密和迈阿密海滩的不同地区及其周边地区了解的经纪人. 许多人在没有充分了解的情况下对不同领域做出假设, 这就是为什么与一个愿意带你游览整个城市并描述每个地区利弊的经纪人合作是如此重要.
  • 不相信第三方网站上每月的协会会费或房产税. 一定要通过直接联系公寓/房主协会和县评估员办公室来确认这些金额.

Why Use The Light Group to Buy Your Home?

当你考虑在一个你不熟悉的城市买房时, 你需要一个值得信赖的365app经纪人在整个购买过程中成为你的倡导者. Further, we understand that purchasing a property, whether as a residence or an investment, is not just about the real estate itself, it’s about the overall lifestyle, 365app在这里帮助您做出最适合您的生活方式的决定. 当您选择The Light Group作为您值得信赖的顾问时,您可以期待以下优势:

  • An expert negotiator, who will negotiate on your behalf, to get you the lowest-possible price and best terms
  • 24/7可用性-通过电话,电子邮件或Skype与365app联系
  • 绝对关注整个迈阿密和南佛罗里达的所有365app趋势
  • 100% dedication to buyer satisfaction – every step of the way

Our belief system is based on the following:

  • Win-Win: or no deal
  • Integrity: always do the right thing
  • Clients: YOU always come first
  • Commitment: in all things
  • Communication: seek first to understand
  • Creativity: ideas before results
  • Teamwork: together everyone achieves more
  • Trust: starts and ends with honesty
  • Success: results through people



Learn more about The Light Group

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